Mystery and Fun of Flickr Explore

Beach, Dog and Fog

I took this picture last week. I was passing through Cobourg and popped down to the beach to see if there was anything interesting to photograph.  This man was playing catch with his dog. It was really foggy and you could barely even see the lake from the walking path. I snapped a few pics and moved on. I didn’t even use it for the @dailyshoot topic for that day which was to make a high contast photo.

On Sunday, I wanted a photo for addition to the Sliders Sunday group on Flickr. Basically, the goal of this group is to take a photo and post process it to make it interesting. I opened this photo in Aperture 3, and started clicking and sliding. To be honest, I’m not 100% sure what I did. I know it was a sepia-like thing, and then I played with contrast, saturation, exposure and maybe some other things. I just kept messing around until I liked the look I achieved.

I recieved a few comments, a handful of people favorited it as well. Then someone mentioned Explore, which is a Flickr feature whereby photos are highlighted and added to a group that is one of the main areas of Flickr for just, well, exploring and finding interesting photos. I’m not sure how this all quite comes about, and apparently it’s a bit of mystery as to how photos get found and selected.  So with some interest I clicked the link that was provided, and found my photo was part of the group selected for Explore for that day.

So, in the last week, that photo has had over 300 views, 16 comments and 21 faves. Crazy. This blows away all my previous photo efforts for photo views. Goes to show what fun things can happen when you share your work and put it out in communities for others to see. Once in a while what you produce strikes a chord.

If you’ve not checked out some of the Flickr communities and groups, and you enjoy taking photos, I encourage you to do so. It’s another vibrant and interesting social network to be sure.

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