WordPress iOS

Hey, I like it. I just updated the WordPress iOS app on my iPad, and I’m trying it out. I’ve got my external Bluetooth keyboard going, because I really don’t do very well typing on the iPad. It’s ok for a quick tweet or two, but I much prefer a real keyboard. WordPress just updated their app, and I thought I’d give it a whirl. I like that they made a few things much easier than their previous version. We can now bold words very easily, as well as other tasks like making a link to an outside page. I know a little bit of HTML, enough to get by, but not having to think about it makes life much easier with this.

20110925-211022.jpg I think it has always handled images ok, but I pulled one of my library to upload and see what it look like and how it deals with it. If you blog, and have a WordPress blog and an iOS device, it might be worth updating your app, or getting it for the first time to give a try.

Third Times a Charm…

Well. I’m back. I’ve learned a bit about WordPress security, and have done a few things that I hope will prevent another problem.

We shall see.

I’ve not imported the posts from the last install, as I’m a bit gun shy at the moment. Small moves.

This is getting old…

I got another message that my website was infected and Google was putting up warnings again. I have no clue what is going on, but don’t have the time or energy to deal with it. So welcome back to WordPress.com! I just set my domain on autoforward to point to my old blog. I’m going to have to decide what to do here. Do I continue to fight the malware fight on my own hosted domain, or do I just use wordpress.com and not worry about it.

We shall see….