Research Frameworks into the Classroom

I used this presentation last week to help facilitate a discussion about ways to think about classroom practice, teacher learning and student tasks in light of a few research-based frameworks. I tried to tie together TPACK, Elmore’s instructional core and Puentedura’s SAMR framework into some sort of coherent whole. While not perfect, we did have a great discussion about different tasks that students engage in with technology, and where in SAMR they might fit. There was some great debate about what an augmentation v.s. a modification of a task might actually mean.  I freely borrowed from Puentedura’s slides and ideas about how to present his SAMR model to put this together. If it can be of use to anyone, feel free to use and adapt!

Intro Guitar Class

I’ve just joined a open class offered up by @bryanjack. He’s teaching intro guitar at his school, and opened up the class to the web. I’ve been thinking about how to play more and learn more guitar and music lately, and this seems to be a great idea. A community of players of all abilities working together, jamming and learning. Mostly I hope to get some motivation out of it. Learning some new things about songwriting, recording etc.. but mainly its the community of players that is the best thing. Really looking forward to seeing what students create, both in his class, and the online motley crew that he’s gathering together.

You can see my intro post and video over at the class website.

Rock on!